We had a good day yesterday...Makena stayed in her pajamas all day and I think she enjoyed it! Not a whole lot going on except that I ruined her night night routine last night. We usually lay her down awake and she cries for about 30 seconds to a few minutes and then she puts herself to sleep. Last night I laid her down and she didn't cry...I checked on her and she was asleep. A few minutes later she woke crying her little eyes out. I couldn't resist the urge so I swooped in like momma bird and held her till she fell asleep. I have to admit...I really enjoyed holding her while she is asleep. It reminds me of her newborn days. Time flies so fast!
I pulled out the Leap Frog LeapPad that Grammy and Grandpops got her for Christmas and Faith really took to it...well, she took to the on/off button, but I think sometime interacting with it and her age she will soon enjoy it. Makena doesn't have a clue yet what to do with it...I tried to read it to her and she wanted to eat the pages. Whoever invented board books was a genius!
"What did I tell you about that camera in my face!"