Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Can we say R-O-T-O-V-I-R-U-S?
Makena woke up chipper as could be yesterday morning and than BAM!! She started to puke her guts up. Poor baby took a nap and upon waking she vomited. Everywhere!! I mean in her hair and everything. This is the first vomiting episode I have ever experianced with her. Earlier this year when she got rotovirus it all came out of the bottom half of her body...this time BOTH! What a day yesterday was. Last night she slept with thought was, I have plenty of clothes to change into all night long if I had too, but I don't have enough sheets to be changing all night. She did well last night though...she was a bit restless a little whiny, but nothing that required clothing, sheets or diaper change. Although this morning her diaper was completely dry. Freaked me out as 6-8 hours without a wet diaper is not good according to her doctor. I immediately offered her pedialyte and of course she did as she did last night, took one sip and spit. She has eaten one of those pedialyte freezer pops and at the moment still has tears when she cries. I just hope this all gets better soon. She seems happy and perky between episodes. We'll see...hope to have everything back to normal soon. We really miss having Faith and we hope to have her back if not Friday, hopefully Monday.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Forgive my enthusiasm, but we just went for the first time yesterday. There was a reason why I hadn't gone till now too. I knew if I went, I would want...AND I WANT. I have my bedroom sorted out, Makena's room sorted out...MY WHOLE HOUSE. IKEA IKEA IKEA. Ok, I am a bit extreme, but that place is awesome. In the land of pre-fab assemble yourself the prices are awesome. I was so amazed ever time I passed by something that looked remotely interesting to me what the cost was.
We went with Katie, Conan and Taylor and I tell you they were pros at weaving in and out of that place. Conan fell asleep and from what I was told that was a good thing. Makena...she was shell shocked I think...she people watched the entire time and thank goodness for Taylor. She really kept Makena company while I went nutso at everything I thought was to die for!
Honestly, I didn't think the trip was anything that required a camera to document the day, but darn it I wish I had! This place was HUGE. The food there must be great, there was a line all the way to Sweden just to eat! Everything was just so fun to marvel at...whether it be the design or the cost.
So what does Angela want for Christmas?? IKEA giftcards people! *HINT* *HINT * *WINK* * WINK*
We went with Katie, Conan and Taylor and I tell you they were pros at weaving in and out of that place. Conan fell asleep and from what I was told that was a good thing. Makena...she was shell shocked I think...she people watched the entire time and thank goodness for Taylor. She really kept Makena company while I went nutso at everything I thought was to die for!
Honestly, I didn't think the trip was anything that required a camera to document the day, but darn it I wish I had! This place was HUGE. The food there must be great, there was a line all the way to Sweden just to eat! Everything was just so fun to marvel at...whether it be the design or the cost.
So what does Angela want for Christmas?? IKEA giftcards people! *HINT* *HINT * *WINK* * WINK*
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Yes, I know it has been DAYS since I last posted. Makena has started her seperation anxiety phase and it has been rough. She wants to beheld she wants down and then the cycle begins again. She is also teething (top two to be exact) and that has been a nightmare too. I am beat. So the last week and couple of days has been pretty eventful, but not in all the fun ways. It's been a lot of holding, crying, spitting of food (Makena, not me) among other tantrums she has decided to grace us with. So thats that for now.
On a side doctor has put me on Topamax a migrain preventative medication. What a miracle drug! I haven't had a headache in 3 days!
On a side doctor has put me on Topamax a migrain preventative medication. What a miracle drug! I haven't had a headache in 3 days!
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Her 1st Birthday Party was a hit! Although she was extremely exhausted by the end of the evening she was definitely in good spirits.
We had her party at my Uncle Steve and Aunt Thuy's house...there was no mistake as to who the party was for. There were drawings, arrows and verbiage written with sidewalk chalk (on the sidewalk of course) leading guest into the was anywhere from "Mak Mak" to "Makena party station" to "This way to the Mak Attack Party". Of course I have this footage recorded but forgot to take pictures!
Walking into the house was like a shrine to of here everywhere. There was a beautiful window treatment drapped with pictures of Makena. Even a picture on the bathroom wall.
As soon as Justin arrived with Makena...she stole the show. After a great meal we enjoyed watching her shred her cake to bits, well with her feet. She would barely touch it with her hands, but boy when I tried to get her out of her high chair she was all over it with her feet...thanks by the way to all of Makena's great-aunts and great-uncles who pitched in to cook and of course to Makena's grandma (ba ngoai) for planning almost all of it.
Pictures below...and yes I was there at her party, just forgot to have pictures taken of her and me and pictures of all three of us as a family. Darn it!
We had her party at my Uncle Steve and Aunt Thuy's house...there was no mistake as to who the party was for. There were drawings, arrows and verbiage written with sidewalk chalk (on the sidewalk of course) leading guest into the was anywhere from "Mak Mak" to "Makena party station" to "This way to the Mak Attack Party". Of course I have this footage recorded but forgot to take pictures!
Walking into the house was like a shrine to of here everywhere. There was a beautiful window treatment drapped with pictures of Makena. Even a picture on the bathroom wall.
As soon as Justin arrived with Makena...she stole the show. After a great meal we enjoyed watching her shred her cake to bits, well with her feet. She would barely touch it with her hands, but boy when I tried to get her out of her high chair she was all over it with her feet...thanks by the way to all of Makena's great-aunts and great-uncles who pitched in to cook and of course to Makena's grandma (ba ngoai) for planning almost all of it.
Pictures below...and yes I was there at her party, just forgot to have pictures taken of her and me and pictures of all three of us as a family. Darn it!

Thursday, November 03, 2005
1st Birthday Came and Went
Yes, today was her first birthday but we will celebrate it on Saturday. She hasn't ever had a bite of cake. Her first bite will be on Saturday. We will have loads of pictures.
It has been a pretty sentimental day for me. I woke up on my 25th birthday this year and didn't even remember it was my birthday. Today I shot out of bed to wake her up to the happy birthday song. She looked up at me with the sweetest smile stood up in her crib and started to bounce up and down on the mattress as I sang to her. Of coursSo e she didn't realize what today was except it was just another day.
So I did a lot of reflecting on the day she was born...what all happend that very special day? Since I didn't have a blog before she was born, her birth story hasn't been documented. Since someday I want Makena to have this blog to read...I want her to know all about the day she was born.
So on November 3, 2004 I was scheduled for an induction. I was already 75% effaced and 3 centimeters dialated. I started to have mild contractions the night before and I was pretty restless. I couldn't stop thinking about holding Makena for the first time. So we arrived to the hospital at 8:00am and met my first nurse Carrie. Unfortunately she also had another patient who had been there and laboring all night. I was some what second on her to do I guess, but I understand. My doctor came in at about 9:30 and was a bit disturbed that I had not been started on my IV and pitocin yet. He went on to perform surgery on another patient and another nurse came to insert my IV and started me on pitocin to start my labor at about 10:00. I started to feel the contractions getting stronger but I wasn't in much pain. At about 11:00 my doctor came in to check on me. I was 4 cm dialated and he decided to break my water. My contractions started to become much more painful after he broke my water. After a couple of contractions I wanted an epidural. I got my epidural at 11:30 and by noon I was 7 cm dialated. I ended up with another nurse, Laura. My nurse had to focus her time with her first patient. I really like Laura, she was very encouraging. At about 2:00pm I started to feel a alot of pressure in my lower abdomen and I wanted to push. Justin called my nurse who said she would call my doctor and let him check me as she figured I was close if not ready to push. I really wanted to start pushing and she decided she would check me since my doctor hadn't arrived yet by 2:15. I was completely dialated and my nurse said she could feel Makena's head. So she grabbed a leg, Justin grabbed the other and I started to push. I pushed through 3 contractions and Makena's head started to crown. My doctor arrived just in time to deliver her through my 4th contraction. Makena Grace was born at 2:36pm. It was the most amazing experiance I have ever experianced and at 4-1/2 hours of labor, I say I was VERY lucky.
To hear her cry for the first time was incredible. It was the sweetest sound. She was and is the most beautiful baby (of course I am bias!) and I can't imagine my life without her.
P.S. I am a bad mommy...didn't take any pictures today except when she was asleep earlier today with me. She never sleeps with me so I took advantage and took a picture with my phone.
It has been a pretty sentimental day for me. I woke up on my 25th birthday this year and didn't even remember it was my birthday. Today I shot out of bed to wake her up to the happy birthday song. She looked up at me with the sweetest smile stood up in her crib and started to bounce up and down on the mattress as I sang to her. Of coursSo e she didn't realize what today was except it was just another day.
So I did a lot of reflecting on the day she was born...what all happend that very special day? Since I didn't have a blog before she was born, her birth story hasn't been documented. Since someday I want Makena to have this blog to read...I want her to know all about the day she was born.
So on November 3, 2004 I was scheduled for an induction. I was already 75% effaced and 3 centimeters dialated. I started to have mild contractions the night before and I was pretty restless. I couldn't stop thinking about holding Makena for the first time. So we arrived to the hospital at 8:00am and met my first nurse Carrie. Unfortunately she also had another patient who had been there and laboring all night. I was some what second on her to do I guess, but I understand. My doctor came in at about 9:30 and was a bit disturbed that I had not been started on my IV and pitocin yet. He went on to perform surgery on another patient and another nurse came to insert my IV and started me on pitocin to start my labor at about 10:00. I started to feel the contractions getting stronger but I wasn't in much pain. At about 11:00 my doctor came in to check on me. I was 4 cm dialated and he decided to break my water. My contractions started to become much more painful after he broke my water. After a couple of contractions I wanted an epidural. I got my epidural at 11:30 and by noon I was 7 cm dialated. I ended up with another nurse, Laura. My nurse had to focus her time with her first patient. I really like Laura, she was very encouraging. At about 2:00pm I started to feel a alot of pressure in my lower abdomen and I wanted to push. Justin called my nurse who said she would call my doctor and let him check me as she figured I was close if not ready to push. I really wanted to start pushing and she decided she would check me since my doctor hadn't arrived yet by 2:15. I was completely dialated and my nurse said she could feel Makena's head. So she grabbed a leg, Justin grabbed the other and I started to push. I pushed through 3 contractions and Makena's head started to crown. My doctor arrived just in time to deliver her through my 4th contraction. Makena Grace was born at 2:36pm. It was the most amazing experiance I have ever experianced and at 4-1/2 hours of labor, I say I was VERY lucky.
To hear her cry for the first time was incredible. It was the sweetest sound. She was and is the most beautiful baby (of course I am bias!) and I can't imagine my life without her.
P.S. I am a bad mommy...didn't take any pictures today except when she was asleep earlier today with me. She never sleeps with me so I took advantage and took a picture with my phone.
Minutes after 1 month old
2 months old
3 months old
4 months old
5 months old
6 months old
7 months old
8 months old
9 months old
10 months old
11 months old
Today-Happy Birthday!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
T-minus 1 Day!
Holy Cow! One more day and my baby is 1 years old. I am the luckiest mommy in the world to have such a wonderful baby. Sunday night and Monday night I had an overwhelming urge to hold my baby while she sleeps. Well, I always have the urge but never get to because...well she likes to be in her own bed on her own when she is tired. So I put her to bed as usual and on Sunday night. When I went to bed I got her out of her bed and brought her to bed with me. All was well except she tosses and turns...A LOT! For an hour she was passed out cold, nothing could wake her...but she wouldn't stop rolling. So finally I decided it wasn't going to work out. Justin had so much going on at work the next day I figured it wasn't a good night to keep daddy awake. Monday night at about 3am she started crying. Usually if I leave her for a couple of minutes she goes back to sleep...well, I didn't just leave her. I went got her and brought her to bed with me...BIG MISTAKE! She laid on my chest for a few minutes and then it was back and forth from Justin to me..."mama...dada...mama...dada". She was all over the place and finally she crashed...only it was time for Justin to get up. Oh well, I love her to bits and I don't mind the lack of sleep for a little bit more time with her.
So Halloween Day I forgot our camera at home. However I have pictures that a friend took on Sunday at her kids Halloween shindig. She was the only pumpkin and a cute one at that. Thanks Kim for the pictures!

So Halloween Day I forgot our camera at home. However I have pictures that a friend took on Sunday at her kids Halloween shindig. She was the only pumpkin and a cute one at that. Thanks Kim for the pictures!