Thursday, July 21, 2005

Poor Mak Mak!

Poor baby girl! She is drooling so much but instead of her nose running it is also stuffy. I am afraid she is teething and has another ear infection. She is pretty happy until she has to eat or sleep. She can't suck and breath at the same time and it really frustrates her. We have reintroduced the suction bulb and she still hates as much as she did 2-3 months ago. The difference now is she is much more mobile and stronger. It really is torture now trying to clear her nose out. Torture for mommy and daddy that is. No just kidding!

So I went to have a root cancal done yesterday and apparently my roots are curved and it makes it more difficult to remove all the nerve tissue. I have been referred to a specialist to removed the last 3-5% of the nerve tissue that remains. What a beating! Oh well...nothing with my teeth have ever been easy...braces for 4 years should have been a clue.

Not too much to report today...she is going for her well-baby visit tomorrow, unfortunately I think it will turn into a sick-baby visit.

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