Monday, October 17, 2005

Texas State Fair

On Saturday, Justin and I took Makena to the fair. Our first mission through the fair gates?? Fletcher's Corny Dogs...yes they really are that good! Even Makena joined in on the yummy goodness.

I have never seen such intensity while eating a Fletcher's Corny Dog. She literally grabbed it out of my hand and shoved the whole thing in her little mouth. PIGGY PIGGY!

Of course we wanted to take her to the baby petting zoo...unfortunately it was for children 2 years old and up! What a disappointment. Along the way though we saw baby chicks, baby ducks and a Vietnamese Pot-Bellied Pig.

We than checked out the water fountains, the music museum (whatever that means...there was nothing great and it was a waste of $1 per person). However we took Makena out of her wagon and she decided to push it along.

We went to the Auto Show and checked out the cars...Makena saw the Ford GT and Justin was in HEAVEN.

She fell asleep as I walked through the Auto Show with her. She usually is so curious that she wouldn't have normally fallen asleep. She must have been really tired.

When she woke up, Justin played one of those fair games and won Makena a stuffed monkey. She LOVES that monkey...she had a grip on it all day.

We had a great time at the fair and hopefully next year she will be able to enjoy more, including the petting zoo!


katertoter said...

Very Cute Mama!
She is so sweet. Sounds like you all had a good time and the weather was nice. First trip to the fair, this year has been the first of many things, right?
Thanks for sharing the pics.


cassy said...

Cute, cute pics!!

hollibobolli said...

Oh what cute cute pics... of the entire family!!! It looks like you all had so much fun!!!

p.s. - it looks like Justin did a good job on the wagon!!

Kami said...

I still haven't been!! I need to hurry up and go!!! It was so nice to meet you!