Sunday, November 06, 2005


Her 1st Birthday Party was a hit! Although she was extremely exhausted by the end of the evening she was definitely in good spirits.

We had her party at my Uncle Steve and Aunt Thuy's house...there was no mistake as to who the party was for. There were drawings, arrows and verbiage written with sidewalk chalk (on the sidewalk of course) leading guest into the was anywhere from "Mak Mak" to "Makena party station" to "This way to the Mak Attack Party". Of course I have this footage recorded but forgot to take pictures!

Walking into the house was like a shrine to of here everywhere. There was a beautiful window treatment drapped with pictures of Makena. Even a picture on the bathroom wall.

As soon as Justin arrived with Makena...she stole the show. After a great meal we enjoyed watching her shred her cake to bits, well with her feet. She would barely touch it with her hands, but boy when I tried to get her out of her high chair she was all over it with her feet...thanks by the way to all of Makena's great-aunts and great-uncles who pitched in to cook and of course to Makena's grandma (ba ngoai) for planning almost all of it.

Pictures below...and yes I was there at her party, just forgot to have pictures taken of her and me and pictures of all three of us as a family. Darn it!

Nothing like a bath and milk to wash down the yummy cake.


Kami said...

Great pics!!!

hollibobolli said...

Those are such sweet pics. I didn't get to be with Faithypoo on her 1st, so I'm jealous. I'm glad you all had a good time.

and what is the deal with you forgetting your camera all the time? you're going to get fired from the baby paparazzi!!