Thursday, June 23, 2005

Sweet Baby Girl...

We had a good day yesterday...Makena stayed in her pajamas all day and I think she enjoyed it! Not a whole lot going on except that I ruined her night night routine last night. We usually lay her down awake and she cries for about 30 seconds to a few minutes and then she puts herself to sleep. Last night I laid her down and she didn't cry...I checked on her and she was asleep. A few minutes later she woke crying her little eyes out. I couldn't resist the urge so I swooped in like momma bird and held her till she fell asleep. I have to admit...I really enjoyed holding her while she is asleep. It reminds me of her newborn days. Time flies so fast!

I pulled out the Leap Frog LeapPad that Grammy and Grandpops got her for Christmas and Faith really took to it...well, she took to the on/off button, but I think sometime interacting with it and her age she will soon enjoy it. Makena doesn't have a clue yet what to do with it...I tried to read it to her and she wanted to eat the pages. Whoever invented board books was a genius!

"What did I tell you about that camera in my face!"

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Makena the Great!

Just an FYI...this is the 3rd time I have typed this post. I did something stupid and ended up deleting the other two. Lets hope I get it right this time.

So Makena has now discovered the difference between mommy and daddy. Recently she has recognized strangers or people she doesn't see often, but yesterday daddy reached for her and she pulled back, buried her head in my shoulder and kicked her legs out of excitement. So I guess this is the beginning of "mommy...mommy...mommy!!" Before you know it she will be talking, walking and all about her daddy...daddy's girl!

Momma...get that camera out of my face!

Faith has really taken to Justin...when he came home from work yesterday she crawled into his lap and talked to him all about Arthur on PBS Kids. Then she turned around and puckered...Justin had no clue what she wanted. I told him she wants a kiss...he turned his face and Faith planted one on his cheek. She made that cute kissing sound too...I haven't gotten one of those kisses yet!

Faith is showing Justin who Arthur is

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

A fun day with the girls!

Yesterday was Faith's first day to stay with Makena and me. No traumatic events...I was surpised being it is her first day. Faith is a good baby. We played, laughed, had lunch, napped, played some more and Faith went home.

Makena is intrigued by Faith...she watches Faith's every move and giggles when appropriate. Makena ate Gerber Graduate turkey sticks and I think she liked it though most of it ended up mashed onto her body or the high chair.

May I have some more???

After a well rested nap the girls enjoyed sometime in the sun...

Isn't Faith sweet?

The girls frolicking in the sun

"Hey Makena...let's break out of here."

All in all we had a fabulous day and we are glad to have Faith with us to play.

Later after Faith went home Makena and I went to swim lessons at Metroplex gymnastics in Allen. Makena did so well today...she let me put her under water 5-6 times and not once did she swallow water. I never knew a baby to love water as much as she does!

Let's see what today has in store for us.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Sunday, June 19, 2005

June 19, 2005...Daddy's first official day!!

We had a relaxing day today. Justin lost his tennis match in Tyler last night so he drove in at about 1:30 am. We stayed up till 2:30 chatting...we prayed Makena would stay asleep until at least 8:00. No such luck...she was wide awake talking to herself at 7:30...I guess we shouldn't complain since I know a lot of 7 month old babies are up at the crack of daylight. She had her usual morning bottle played for about an hour and we were all asleep again...we finally started our day at 10:30. We cooked out on Justin's used but new to him gas grill. Lance was so thoughtful in sharing this special grill with a great story with us!

Makena crawls all over the place these days. She actually crawled from the living room to the kitchen and pulled up on the dishwasher...all the while screaming her head off because she couldn't see me. I adore the need she has for her mommy and daddy...but when I have to carry her into the bathroom with me because I can't be out of plain view is exhausting. I am sure these are the things I will miss someday when she is grown and is giving me the Miss Priss attitude.

So we had started her on baby food when she was 4 months...really going for it at 5-1/2 months and yet I still find it frustrating to feed her. She is constatnly grabbing at the spoon and if I give her her own spoon, I can't seem to feed her because she won't take the spoon I gave her out of her mouth..."her" was typed 5 times in one that some kind of record?? Anyway, she really enjoys feeding herself and loves the Gerber fruit and veggie puffs so I thought...what the heck lets go to finger foods. I bought those Gerber Graduate turkey sticks and some mandarine oranges and broke them up into little chuncks. She loved them! I know most would say she is too young for these kinds of foods...but if they knew how torturous it is to get a spoon with pureed food that I wouldn't even eat into her mouth they would understand. She doesn't have one tooth and doesn't seem to be getting any anytime soon, but to watch her chew with her gums is so sweet.

I am still trying to work out the video and photo postings...hope to manage this blogging thing like Holli has!!

Saturday, June 18, 2005

This is my test post...just checking things out.