Thursday, April 27, 2006

I know...everyone is sick of this James Blunt post

So I will post about something else.

1) Makena is so sweet. Justin was out of town and came home yesterday. She thought she heard the garage door and started saying "DADDY??" It was precious. She has several new words
- Bubble
- Outside (better known as outshide)
- OH NO!! (she says it very clearly and she knows the most appropriate times to say it too)
- Bappi (we think this means paci, blankie and teddy all rolled into one...all the necessities for night night)
2) Speaking of paci...her teacher told me so far this week she has not asked for paci and she goes to sleep at shcool with out her paci! She doesn't need paci at home until she goes night night and I just can't seem to take it from her. Doesn't make her happy. I am sure she is working us!
3) Go check out Katie's blog. Some awesome pictures of Conan!

--that's all I got folks! Life has been pretty hectic since I went back to work.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

As if once wasn't enough...

I realize most would think I am on the brink of obsession, but Katie and I are going to see James Blunt not two but three more times.

Originally it was only going to be one more concert in Austin. I had Dallas tickets I tried to sell, but that has fallen through and now Katie and I decided we are going to the Dallas one too.

So thats two...the third is the real kicker!

Our local radio station here in Dallas ran a contest all weekend...20th caller wins breakfast with James Blunt and a private two tickets to the show.

I didn't win, but Katie did! I had been trying to get through since 5pm Friday. Saturday morning I was trying any chance I got and when I met up with Katie, we were on our way to Cassy's house for Rylee Kate's birthday party. I told Katie she had to call in with her cell and I would call in with mine when they announced the time to call in. HOLY COW...we were in the car all of 5 min and it was time to put our fingers to work. We literally drove 2 miles and redialed 3-4 times and Katie got through! The DJ answered and Katie asked what caller was she and he told her 20 and we all screamed! Katie told him we went to the Chicago concert and we are going to Austin and Dallas and the Dj asked her if she was obsessed. I have to admit, I was the bigger fan of the two of us...but after this, I almost bet my life that Katie is a big fan too!!

I LOVE YOU KATIE...thanks for being obsessed with me. I feel like a gitty teenager. These are the things I should have been doing in high school and college! Oh well, keeps us young!

Thanks to our husbands for putting up with MY craziness...though are well on you way!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Walk along beside me Daddy
and hold my little hand.
I have so many thing to learn,
that I don't understand.
Teach me things to keep me safe
from dangers everyday.
Show me how to be my best
at home and at play.
Every child needs a gentle hand
to guide them as they grow.
So walk along beside me Daddy
we have a long way to go.
-Author Unknown
***Click here for more sweet pictures of Mak

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Life as we know it has changed!

New school for Mak, new job for me, means busy days for all of us! Makena started at her school 2-Mondays ago and has adjusted rather well. She doesn't cry when I drop her off (well sometimes) and she is already well loved by her teachers. Apparently she is attached to Ms. Jennifer...when she leaves the room, Mak cries. She has had a difficult time adjusting to naptime. She is use to being on her own in her room and her own bed. She had only been taking 30 minute naps, today she took a 2 hour nap though. WOOHOO! She has been attached to my hip as soon as I pick her up from school though. Her reaction when she sees me walk through the door is priceless. If I remember I will try to get a picture of it soon. I walk in and with her mouth wide open and this shocked look on her face and then she yells "MAMA!". Just melts me...

My job...going great, I love it! Hard to explain what I do since I don't really know yet, but I know I love it. The dynamic of the office is wonderful and they have approved my hours 7-4. This works out well for our family since Justin gets off work around 4 as well.

Here are some pictures I took a couple of weeks ago. The these where taken the eveing after her first day at school. I started the tub and walked out of the bathroom for a minute. When I came back in she had climbed into the tub fully clothed! That was when we discovered the girl could climb. There are cute tennis pictures to come.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

To the kid who bit my baby...


I picked Makena up from school today and when I got her out to the car and put her in her seat, I noticed what looked like a bite mark on her right arm. It looked fairly fresh too...I could still see the teeth mark...4 teeth on top and 4 on bottom. I went back in and asked her teachers what happend...they had no idea, she didn't cry they said! ARGH!! I know kids bite and it happens, but I am worried that if she didn't cry this time, she might not cry next time! (DEEP BREATHS)

Anyway, I still have a post coming soon about work and Mak's school and some fun pictures...they are coming.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Katie...this post is for you

FYI...I am working on it ;)