Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Yes, I know it has been DAYS since I last posted. Makena has started her seperation anxiety phase and it has been rough. She wants to beheld she wants down and then the cycle begins again. She is also teething (top two to be exact) and that has been a nightmare too. I am beat. So the last week and couple of days has been pretty eventful, but not in all the fun ways. It's been a lot of holding, crying, spitting of food (Makena, not me) among other tantrums she has decided to grace us with. So thats that for now.

On a side doctor has put me on Topamax a migrain preventative medication. What a miracle drug! I haven't had a headache in 3 days!


Kami said...

Hey, I take Topamax, too. It has helped a lot. Watch out, though. It make make you a little stupid. :)

CrazyMommy said...

Ya, I know what you mean...thankfully I have done great on just 25mg a day and I only take it at night. That stuff knocks me out cold and just before I fall asleep I feel like Alice in Wonderland. Last night I was imagining my hands where huge but my head was small. Weird!

Kami said...

I'm up to 100mg a day, and I'm normal ( ha ha) now, but I forget words, and I forget what I'm doing a lot. As if having a kid didn't fry my brain enough.

hollibobolli said...

I just take 50 mg/day and it's helped and eventually the side effects fade.. I'll be praying it helps with your headache. And that it doesn't fry your brain - at least when you have both the girls?

Separation anxiety.. yes.. I have it with both babies. Nate and Faith. Fun for the whole family.

cassy said...

Take a deep breath...this too shall pass. I know it's tough. Bring her over any time. I'd love to take her off your hands for a bit. =)

Dana said...

I take topamax (200 a day) and have for a while for migraine prevention. I didn't know this at first, but they also give this drug to overweight people to help them lose weight. And this is a huge side effect for some people that take it for migraines. So be careful!

Good luck!