Wednesday, November 02, 2005

T-minus 1 Day!

Holy Cow! One more day and my baby is 1 years old. I am the luckiest mommy in the world to have such a wonderful baby. Sunday night and Monday night I had an overwhelming urge to hold my baby while she sleeps. Well, I always have the urge but never get to because...well she likes to be in her own bed on her own when she is tired. So I put her to bed as usual and on Sunday night. When I went to bed I got her out of her bed and brought her to bed with me. All was well except she tosses and turns...A LOT! For an hour she was passed out cold, nothing could wake her...but she wouldn't stop rolling. So finally I decided it wasn't going to work out. Justin had so much going on at work the next day I figured it wasn't a good night to keep daddy awake. Monday night at about 3am she started crying. Usually if I leave her for a couple of minutes she goes back to sleep...well, I didn't just leave her. I went got her and brought her to bed with me...BIG MISTAKE! She laid on my chest for a few minutes and then it was back and forth from Justin to me..."mama...dada...mama...dada". She was all over the place and finally she crashed...only it was time for Justin to get up. Oh well, I love her to bits and I don't mind the lack of sleep for a little bit more time with her.

So Halloween Day I forgot our camera at home. However I have pictures that a friend took on Sunday at her kids Halloween shindig. She was the only pumpkin and a cute one at that. Thanks Kim for the pictures!


Kami said...

Very cute. Try to not wig out too much, mama. Three has been the hardest birthday for me so far...

hollibobolli said...

She looks soooo cute!!! Happy birthday Mak Mak - we love you!!!

AND HA!! HA HA HA on the bed sleeping!!!


Heidi said...

Happy Birthday Makena!!!!!