Monday, December 12, 2005

Brain Block

I know it has been some time since I have posted. There hasn't really been a whole lot to report. Makena has recovered nicely from rotavirus...than I got it...than Justin got it. Sheesh! The good part is we all got it and got over it in one day.

Makena has quite the Miss Priss attitude. She has also become very attached, of course only in my presence. Should I go out for a while with out her, she is fine. If I am home, she wants to be on my hip. I love her, but sometimes I can't go to the bathroom and hold her at the same time. Otherwise, she has been great. She has the top two middle teeth still bulging and ready to bust through, just not sure when.

Well, not a heck of a lot to report...will have pictures soon.


Nerd Girl said...

Hi! I came across your site by way of baby-Faith, and I just have to ask you - how do you pronounce your daughter's name? I have a 15 month old whose name is spelled "Makena" as well, and we pronounce it Ma-Kay-Na. Just curious. Your daughter is a cutie!

katertoter said...

Glad you guys are feeling better. Still up for moving a giganormous piano on Saturday?

Call me-Katie

Jan said...

So glad that you have all recovered just hope that Makena's teeth do not give to many problems coming through.

Soon be Christmas and think of all the fun you'll all have.

hollibobolli said...

Glad you're back and healthy.. I was getting ready to put up an "on strike" comment like Sto Sto and Ali!! :)

teething tablets!!

Anonymous said...

Found you through Holli, sorry to hear about the virus! We went through that and it is NOOOO fun!

Jan said...

Come on Angela there is brian block and there is not posting!!!

Hope that you all had a great Christmas and New Year.

Tonia said...

Makena is a cutie...can't wait to see more pictures!