Wednesday, January 04, 2006

ALRIGHT!! I will post already :P

Okay, Jan...I have gotten off my arse and am now giving you an update. Seriously, I needed the I thank you :-)

Anyhow...where do I begin...

Christmas was so much fun this year. Last year Makena was a month and a half old and of course had no concept of Christmas. We did the whole, presents under the tree and even woke up Christmas morning to open gifts with her. It was definately uneventful though. NOW..this year...this year was great fun! My mother-in-law is the queen of gift bags, but I think this last Christmas and years to come, she will be wrapping Makena's gifts. Makena, tore into her gifts and than everyone elses gifts. She made out like a bandit this year! Hopefully next year we can leave cookies for Santa. We didn't put up a tree as I was not up to the task of keeping her away from the ornaments all month long. Our fireplace served as our tree this year. On Christmas Day when it got dark out, we went to look at Christmas Lights. I hope this is a tradition we will continue for many Christmas to come. All in all, we had a fantastic Christmas and I can't wait for next Christmas...I just hope she isn't scared of her Playskool Vaccum Cleaner by than.

Here are some pictures to share...

Special gift from her Daddy on Christmas Eve...

"These boots where made for walking"

Our make-shift tree this year

Christmas Morning

Christmas Night in front of Justin's Co-worker's house


Jan said...

Welcome back to blog land

Looks like you had a great Christmas.

Bet you are going to miss Holli & Faith. But I am sure you will go visit.

hollibobolli said...

Those are all such cute pics.. and a great one of all three of you at the bottom!!!

I bet she'll always cherish that necklace from Justin, and the fact she has pictures of him putting it on her. So sweet!!!