Makena had a great week last week. She is growing leaps and Angel Baby is growing up! On Sunday we had Family Covenant Day at Church. All the babies that was born within the last year were presented with their first Bible. What a special day for Mak Mak!
Her latest thing is when she walks towards you she does it with such enthusiasm. Her little nose wrinkles and she smiles with her mouth WIDE open. VERY CUTE. Since she is walking so much better, I bought her first pair of walking shoes yesterday. We walked in tried on a pair and she stood up than crouched down and pointed at them...stood back up smiled, took two steps and fell on her belly. After a couple of falls she quickly figured out how shoes worked! I have a video clip...please note, I am not laughing at the end because I think it is funny she fell. I was just excited and proud of her. Click Here to see the video.
Teething...we have ahd several false alarms recently with teething. I do believe she is really getting a tooth now. She is definately drooling more and has a serious lump on her bottom gums. Low grade fever and yucky diapers are a dead giveaway too!
Check out the pics below: