Monday, October 10, 2005

Change in weather = Change in behavior??

My normally happy, easy going, put herself to sleep baby was a monster last night! She cried and cried for so long I thought she was going to vomit. Normally I lay her down and she doesn't utter a peep and goes night night. Last night she was in rare form...cried till we took her out, thought she wanted to play only she just was crabby. I have had pounding headaches off an on for the last week or so and I finally handed her to Justin and went to bed. I don't know what he did, but when he put her to bed she didn't once cry! Oh well, at least we all went to bed in peace finally.

Makena is trying to mimick sounds and words...though if I ask her to show off for anyone she just stares at me. Her words and sounds include...MMMMM...uh-oh...mamamamamom...and...dadadada. She has also started eating more table food as opposed to baby food. She has finally taken to a sippy cup. Now the only other challenge ahead is switching her to whole milk after she turns one. I know that she definately will not drink her formula unless its warm...even in the sippy.

She has had a stuffy/runny nose lately and has been sneezing like crazy. Sounds like allergies to me and everytime she sees that blue nose sucker in my hand she starts screaming...I mean SCREAMING! Hey, at least she can breath when I am done clearing her nose out.

Friday night I took Makena over to Faith and Holli's. Holli went out for the night and I offered to keep Faith for her. The girls had a blast. Its fun to play in Faith's environment. They were both having such a ball. Of course Faith has such a nurturing spirit insisted on feeding everyone. I brought some tator tots from Sonic for Holli and Faith would hold out a tator tot to Holli's mouth and insisted she eat it! After an eveining of play, Justin came and took Makena home to sleep. Me not knowing when Faith went to sleep, I assumed bedtime was the same for her as it is for Mak. 8:30 she was wide awake, but I tried anyway. We laid down, I read tons of wasn't until I got on the phone and chatted away to someone else that she fell asleep. Holli came home and about 2am we heard Faith making little wimpers. Essentially Faith had a really good nap, come to find out she doesn't go to bed till about 9:30pm. Sheesh! So sorry Holli that you didn't go to bed late...from reading your blog, there wasn't much sleeping in either!

Justin had a tennis tournamen this past weekend. As a matter of fact it was this same tournament 4 years ago that we met. Time sure does fly when we are having fun...wink! This was the first time Makena has seen Justin play tennis, only she wasn't watching, she was way too busy beating and licking on the plexe (sp?) glass window that was overlooking the courts to notice. I am just glad he didn't play outdoor, I am not sure I could have kept her quiet. We had fun though.

After tennis we went to my uncle's house and I took Makena into the trampoline and sat with her in the middle while the kiddos jumped around us. She really seemed to enjoy the bouncing. My cousin Brendan is having a birthday party in 2 weeks...bounce house here we come!


katertoter said...

Wow! Sounds like you had a good/busy weekend. I really hope she does not have horrible allergies, they can be such a pain.
I am so envious of Makena's trampoline adventure. Ihave been wanting to have Conan try it out for awhile now. I bet she was so cute.
3 more weeks an we have 1 year olds.
Talk to you later,

Jan said...

It is so good that Makena & Faith get along so well and are happy in each others homes.

Perhaps Makena has more teeth on the way which is why she is not her normal happy self all the time.

Have fun with those two little ones.

hollibobolli said...

I'm so sorry you all are going to miss bounce house. :(

btw - Faith is a glass licker too.. Nathan just, um.. licks wood - but that is only when he wants to make himself vomit?

I'm glad Faith has someone to model "proper eating" for her on a daily basis.. maybe that's why she tries to force tots on me.