Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Crabby Baby!

Makena has produced her second tooth. It has barely poked through and she is so grumpy. I read that she should be ready to lose her morning nap and as it is she takes 3-4 naps a day still and I am not sure her giving up a nap anytime soon is gonna happen. She seems to require a lot of rest. After a couple of hours of wakefulness she is ready for another nap that usually last 1-2 hours.

Anyway, she is 11 months old as of yesterday and I am just not ready for her to turn 1! She is my baby...I can't bare her growing up! I love the curiosity in her eyes...I love how she is starting to mimick the things we do. How did she go from a little peanut of cells in my belly to a 20 lbs little person??

I couldn't have asked for a better baby! Mommy love you Makena!


hollibobolli said...

That is so sweet - and it makes me sad that I don't really know whether or not Faith got morning naps. I'm so glad you do know..

yay for teeth!!

CrazyMommy said...

Faith gets to nap anytime she wants to with us...on rare occasions when she doesn't feel well she well climb up onto the recliner and chill out with a double dose of Sesame Street. That is the one thing I am so glad to have thr girls here...I know in daycare centers once they move up at 12 months they are only offered one nap a day! Can you imagine my 1 year old who still takes 3-4 naps a day end up with one a day. GAG!