Tuesday, January 10, 2006

New Year with New Changes!

2005 has come and gone with many things to be thankful for.

Here is a list of Top 5

1. My baby girl is happy and healthy and has been a joy in our life
2. Justin is happy and healthy, recieved a great promotion at work
3. I have been able to stay at home with Makena
4. We went from one vehicle to two
5. I managed to lose all my pregnancy weight and than some...thats one to be proud of :P

Changes in 2006??

I have decided to go back to school. Yes you heard me right family...I am going back to school. After many years of enrolling, than withdrawing and having only earned a semester worth of credits, I have decided it was time. I had such a wonderful experiance during my stay at the hospital when Makena was born...I realized I would really love to be a nurse and make a difference in people's lives. I really want to be a labor and delivery nurse and I am sure I won't really have a choice of the matter when I first get out of school, but that is my goal. I will go to Collin County Community College and earn my Associates Degree in Nursing, take my registered nurses exam and start working first, than I will go back to earn my bachelors. Through research and speaking to student advisors, an RN is an RN whether you have an Associates or a Bachelors...everyone takes the same RN board exam and salary is the same for both. A Bachelors will help when I am ready to move up into management positions, so I really want to earn my bachelors...eventually. I will be doing night, weekend and distance classes for a little while and than once I start my actual nursing classes, I will have to go full time during the day. I am really excited!

Other changes?? Holli and Faith are moving back to Oklahoma City this month. I am very sad and will miss them both, but it willbe a wonderful change for them both as they will be home and close to their family. We will visit as much as we can though!

Ok, thats it so far...Happy 2006 everyone!


hollibobolli said...

We will miss you too.. I have a feeling it's going to be really hard on Faith.

I'm so proud of you for taking action to make your dreams come true. I think you would make the best Labor and Delivery nurse EVER!!!

And losing that baby weight plus some.. ALRIGHT!!

Jan said...

I am sure that this time you will work your way through the exams etc and reach your goal.

Why don't you Makena Holli and Faith come over for a holiday. I'd enjoy the company and cook a banquet for you never mind dinner!

cassy said...

Congrats on the preggo weight. You look great!

And I think it's wonderful that you're going to go to school. It's important that we stil do things for ourselves even after we're moms, and it sounds like you'll really enjoy it.

Jan said...

OK Angela what is going on in your world now that Holli & Faith have moved?