Thursday, February 02, 2006

What have we been up to??

Well, things have been a bit crazy in the last couple of weeks. I started school (YIPPEE) and Makena has gone stir crazy...oh and I got a new camera. So where to start...

I start school a couple of weeks ago and I already have a test in one of my classes! What was I thinking taking two survey classes in one semester...all you do is READ!! First of all, if it isn't a "how to" book on toddlerhood, I am not too interested, but whatever. Why hasn't anyone thought of putting textbooks on audio? Actually, I am enjoying my classes, just very intense. I meet once a week for my psychology class for 3 hours and that is a beating in itself, but I have a pretty interesting and funny teacher. Great psychology stories...she talks a lot about studies done with children and my ears always perk up as I am listening for anything I can try on my tasmanian devil I affectionately call daughter. Humanities, this is a good class too...I never have to leave home for it. It is all web-based and I basically am never late to class...there is assigned reading and assignments due every week via the web and a discussion board. Again, a lot of reading and nothing that pertains to toddlerhood! I really can't wait to start RN classes...unfortunately I have 4 pre-requisites before I can start them. One of them being statistics and unfortunately I failed my first round of the math placement test. I have one more chance to pass it otherwise we are talking about 3 remedial algebra classes (no credit by the way) before I can take stats. I got a refresher book called Forgotten Algebra per the nursing advisors suggestion and I will study up and take it again before the fall semester. I WILL PASS! I refuse to pay for 3 freakin' math classes and not earn credits for any of them!

Ok, on to my baby girl, sweet angel of mine (aka booger bear)! Since Faith has moved to OKC, it seems Makena has had a hard time adjusting to her daily schedule...she isn't taking her usual morning nap and her afternoon nap is all screwy. I think she may be weaning away from her morning nap and that's okay, but I need a break in the afternoon! She MUST take an afternoon nap. Today actually was the first day she has actually napped well....WHEW! I had a test to study for so it was much appreciated. She turns 15 months tomorrow! GOSH! Time just flies...everyday she amazes me. She learned how to sign "please" finally. She has a hard time with patience...she has none. One day, Justin and I decided if she wanted something, she would have to sign please otherwise, she didn't get it. It took a good part of the day, but she finally got it. I am so proud of her! We are going to North Carolina for my cousins wedding in March and Justin won't be coming with us...I hope I can manage on my own...I know I can do it, I just hope I don't come home frazzled. LOVE LOVE LOVE MY BABY GIRL!

My new camera...Panasonic Lumix 12X optical zoom! It is awesome and I love it (thank goodness for credit card reward points...I wouldn't have been able to get this otherwise). I am still messing around with it and trying to get the hang of it. I hope the percentage of user error will drop as I become better accustomed to the beast!

Here are some photos taken with the camera...Katie took the first two pics. Also, Makena has wild woman hair because she pulled her bow out of her hair.


Jan said...

Hope the classes run smoothly for you. They do e-books and audio books so your text books might be available in one of those forms.

I used winmx to download several audio books when I was backwards and forwards visiting my Mum.

E-books I don't know a lot about but I know you download a windows program(free) and then the e-book which comes in doc form and the computer reads it to you. I think the program reads dcos you input as well.

Good luck t=with the classes and being a Mum it is hard work but will be worth it.

hollibobolli said...

The pics are great. You're going to do just fine in school.. I'm really proud of you.

We miss you all!


Amy said...

I LOVE the weenie! I have two myself and they are the BEST dogs!