Thursday, February 09, 2006

Animal House Fun!!

We were invited to Baby Aydan's 1st Birthday Party at Animal's a huge facility with all kinds of bounce houses. Makena loved it! As you can see from a couple of the pictures, Conan LOVES Makena...he is always wanting to hug her...1st boyfriend?? Don't tell her daddy!! She passed out within 2 min of being in the car and held her balloon the entire way home.


katertoter said...

To frigg'n cute! Great pics with the new camera! I love them all and the park ones to.
p.s. Makena will always be Conan's first love! It's even documented in his baby book.

Jan said...

First love so tender so honest no hangups and no commitment. How wonderful!

Thanks for sharing the pics she is a real cutie.

cassy said...

That party looks like it was a blast.

Mak Mak and Conan, sitting in a tree....or bouncy house...whatever.

I would be one happy Aunt Cassy if those two ended up together. ;-)

hollibobolli said...

Those pics are so cute - I love the sixth one down!! It looks like she's springing back from a big bounce!