Thursday, February 09, 2006

Playing at the Mall

Katie and I took the kiddos to the mall the other day. Makena has just grown leaps and bounds....we took them to the play area and I was going to "teach" her how to go down the slide. By the time I helped her up the steps and then ran over to the other side to catch her, she was already on her belly feet first sliding down. I am so proud of her!!

She had her 15 month appointment this past Monday and she did very well. Had 3 shots though and was not happy on Tuesday. She has an appointment on the 15th with the ENT to check her tubes and have another hearing screening done. Her vocabulary development may be a little behind due to hearing loss from all the ear infections...her pediatrician said at this point it is nothing to worry about as she does say at least 5 words (this is about average for most 15 month olds)...most are only recognizable to me though. He said it is very normal at this stage for mommy and daddy to be the translator, but the hearing screening will help confirm if there is any hearing loss.

The other night she woke up at about 3:30am and was in bed with us...guess she wasn't tired as she wouldn't go back to sleep. Justin had her and I sort of fell back to sleep. Next thing I hear is "momma". I look up and I see her little head bobbing up and down as she walks over to my side of the bed..."momma". Hello...didn't she know all she had to do was roll over in bed and there I was VERY cute though and Justin and I cracked up laughing.


katertoter said...

I love our babies!

hollibobolli said...

cute pics!

Anonymous said...

Soooo cute!!!

I'm jealous of you SAHM's that get to do this kind of stuff. ;-)

They are so cute together.

Amy said...

Hey- I want to go with you guys!
Seriously though- your little one is SO CUTE!